2) Receive (RECV) If someone is trying to send to you, the communication arrives by tuning to the relevant frequency. In this case SEND action is not necessary.

When there is a call from a sender, you are notified with the CALL symbol in the game screen and a CALL tone.
If you push F4 key, the communication arrives automatically.
You do not need to tune the frequency like the 2. RECV case.

- Frequency

The frequencies are vital for efficient use of the transceiver.
Write down the identified frequencies to prevent forgetting.

Note) 1 The frequencies differ depending on your location.
Note) 2 You need the antenna to communicate in the jammed areas.

- Frequency Table

The player can communicate with various persons during the game.

Communication Target
Frequency 1
Frequency 2
Character (Feature)
The FOX HOUND chief in commander.
H e gives you various supports through wireless.
He mainly gives you clue about the weapon and equipment usage.
The resistance leader.
He is keen with the OUTER HEAVEN fortress interior and whereabouts of the weapons and equipment.

Note) Write down the frequencies in the blank spaces.