
The player does not possess any weapon at the point of starting the game. Locate and obtain the weapons within the enemy fortress. Before doing so, you only method of attack is to punch.


Handgun (Beretta M92F)
A small Gun. Shoots one bullet every one shot. Silencer equippable.
Submachine gun (Ingram MAC-11)

Keep the SPACE key held down for automatic repeating fire.
Silencer equippable.

Grenade launcher (M79)
This weapon can fire grenade shots.
Rocket launcher (RPG7V)
This strong weapon launches rockets.
(You have to accomplish a certain task to obtain.)

Note: Each weapon has its own limit of shots.


Silencer Can be attached to a handgun or submachine gun.
This option suppresses shot sounds.

Note: This item is automatically attached when obtained.


Plastic bomb This item explodes by timer detonation after being set.
One can be set in each screen.
Remote controlled missile This missile can be arbitrarily controlled with directional keys.
The player cannot move when you are controlling this missile.
Land mine The player can set this type of land mine.
Three mines can be set in one screen.

Note: Rank dependent restriction applies to each of the items above.